EWA/JRC Webinar: Water Reuse & EU competitiveness

Online Webinar
©Martin Srb

We invite you to join our upcoming online webinar, organised jointly with JRC Water Reuse Technical Workshop, titled "Water Reuse & EU competitiveness".

This virtual event is scheduled for April 3rd , 2025, at 10:00 - 11:30 CET.

The workshop will provide an in-depth look at how industry is currently implementing water reuse project with the support of water actors. Based on the examples provided during the event, we will discuss how water is a strategic resource and should be treated as such, especially facing extreme weather event on a more regular basis.

It will include presentations from experts:  WILO will present the H2powerplant with solar panel and reused water in place at the WILOPARK in Dortmund, Germany. A second presentation will present a plaster production and industrial water reuse with inputs from SUEZ and ETEX. Participants will gain practical insights from real-world example, sharing the issues they faced in their respective projects and suggestion to scale-up.

This webinar promises to be an invaluable opportunity for learning and discussion, and we look forward to your participation as we work together to advance water reuse practices throughout the EU.

You can read the program below and sign up with the online form to receive the link.




10:00 - 10:10

Welcome address

Roberta Maffettone, Scientific Project Officer, JRC, EU Commission and

Arthur Guischet, EWA Secretary General


10:10 - 11:00


  • WILO: H2POWERPLANT – Energy transition made in Dortmund
  • SUEZ: Industrial water reuse lessons learned from Plaster production


  • Dirk Wittenberg, Senior Vice President Strategic Business Unit Water Treatment, WILO, Germany

  • Cyrille CHARBONNIER, SUEZ, France

11:00 - 11:25

Roundtable with all participants / Q&A with the audience


11:25 - 11:30

Conclusion and closing

Roberta Maffettone, Scientific Project Officer, JRC, EU Commission and

Arthur Guischet, EWA Secretary General


Registrations Details

This webinar is offered free of charge in collaboration with JRC (Joint Research Center)

Date: 03.04.2025

Time: 10:00-11:30 CET Time

The webinar will be streamed via Zoom Webinar.

To participate to this webinar, please register below via the online form.

Personal Information

* all fields marked with a star are required for the registration

Terms and conditions*
EWA Information

This webinar is offered free of charge. If you cannot attend, please send us an email to let us know.

By registering for this event, you agree to the EWA Terms and Conditions. That your name might be included in the participants list and that you may be photographed, filmed or recorded. You also agree that your data may be shared with the speakers and the partners co-organising the event.

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EWA European Water Association

Theodor-Heuss-Allee 17
D-53773 Hennef

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