Co-operations with other International Associations
The European Water Association has established close contacts with other international associations and organisations that work on the water sector.
AfWASA - African Water and Sanitation Association
The African Water and Sanitation Association (AfWASA) is a professional organization of water and sanitation sector actors. The objectives and missions of the association is:
- To coordinate the search for knowledge and latest development in the technical, legal, administrative and economic fields for Drinking water production , supply and of sanitation,
- To promote the exchange of information on methods, processes and procedures of drinking water production and supply and sanitation,
- To initiate, encourage and promote any action of cooperation and exchange in professional training.
ICPDR - Int. Commission for the Protection of the Danube River
The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) works to ensure the sustainable and equitable use of waters in the Danube River Basin. The work of the ICPDR is based on the Danube River Protection Convention (DRPC), the major legal instrument for cooperation and transboundary water management in the Danube River Basin.
ASEMWater - Water Resources Research and Development Center
Founded in China, ASEMWater is a permanent research and development organization in water science and technology cooperation under the framework of ASEM mechanism. Being a regional and a public non-profit international organization specializing in S&T cooperation, ASEMWater expects to unite related governments, universities, institutions and high-tech enterprises to promote sustainable development in Asia and Europe through S&T collaboration and capacity improvement in water resources management.
CloseIFAT Cluster
IFAT Cluster
A world leader in the truest sense of the word, IFAT Munich—the World's Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management—is active across the globe offering innovations, resources, and solutions, specifically to tackle those challenges present across various markets. In addition to the event in Munich, IFAT also hosts individual trade fairs in China, India, Brasil, South Africa, and Turkey as part of a global network for decision-makers in businesses operating in the environmental technology sector. You can find the list with all the IFAT here.
JSWA - Japan Sewage Works Association
JSWA started its operation in 1964 to achieve clean water environment by representing wastewater utilities in Japan. Currently, around 1500 public utilities are providing wastewater service to their citizens. JSWA’s membership includes not only the utilities but also the companies and the individuals who support the JSWA’s mission. JSWA acts to have dialogues with regulators and politicians, publish standards and guidelines, raise the awareness of the importance of wastewater services among citizens, inspect sewer products for the utilities’ procurement, and provide educational opportunities to the industry professionals.
WEF - Water Environment Federation
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a not-for-profit technical and educational organization of more than 30,000 individual members and 75 affiliated Member Associations representing water quality professionals around the world. Since 1928, WEF and its members have protected public health and the environment. Our mission is inspiring the water community in pursuit of human and environmental well-being and a vision of a “Life free of water challenges”.
IWA - International Water Association
The International Water Association is the network of water professionals striving for a world in which water is wisely, sustainably and equitably managed.
Drawing exceptional professionals from over 140 countries, the membership of the International Water Association (IWA) brings together scientists, researchers, technology companies, and water and wastewater utilities.”