In 2024, Europe stands at a pivotal moment in advancing towards a more sustainable and resilient future for its water sector. Alongside, the EU Parliamentary Election will shape the composition and priorities of the next Commission.
The 18th EWA Brussels Conference explored the post-election landscape of the water sector in Europe. Participants engaged in discussions including:
A Round table on the Future of the water sector featuring representatives from various EU Institutions
Climate change and its implications for the water sector
The Recasting of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive
The future trajectory of the Water Framework Directive
This year's speakers included EU Institutions representatives and experts from the EWA network, sharing best practices, experiences, and insights. The conference provided a platform for dialogue among key water stakeholders, ranging from policymakers to end-users.
Participants were also invited to network and connect over a drink at the end of the conference.
You can download the flyer of the event here.